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The "Brothers for Life" association (AR) is a non-profit association whose goal is to help IDF soldiers who were injured in operational activities or in Israel's wars, during their military service. From the understanding of the existing difficulties in dealing with the injury and the many needs accompanying it, the "Brothers for Life" association was established in 2008.

The main goal of the association is to help the wounded warrior in the rehabilitation process he must go through, physical and mental rehabilitation, which is sometimes accompanied by adaptation to new and different situations in his personal life and in the lives of those around him.

The association provides assistance to soldiers and their families, assistance that includes medical help, legal support, study scholarships and financial support. Also, the association guides the fighters in dealing with the various rehabilitation agencies.

The association places great emphasis on social activities that help benefit the mental state of the fighters. These activities bring together different fighters, who share their personal experiences and help each other.

At "Brothers for Life" we believe that despite the difficult experience to which the warrior was exposed, it is possible to return and live a full and happy life even after the injury. The right of warriors who gave their bodies and souls for the defense of the people and the homeland, to continue to live with dignity.

The association is run by combat officers and soldiers who have personally experienced combat injuries, and have gone through rehabilitation processes that allowed them to return to the path of life.